Jun 26, 2018

What else you need to know in ShopMaster

What else you need to know in ShopMaster

Created on 08-30-2017 06:19 - Updated on 03-26-2018 03:12
Topic : This article will tell you ShopMaster's plans, the explanation of some key terms in ShopMaster and how to contact us.
ShopMaster’s Plans
"Save money and Sell more" is always the principle of ShopMaster. Therefore, ShopMaster offers a FREE starterplan for sellers which has no trial duration, you can use it forever! Except for Free Starter plan, we also provide Basic Plan, Business Plan and Enterprise Plan. You can choose any plan as required.For more information, please see www.shopmaster.com
The Explanation of some Key Terms
Channelscan be understood online stores to some extend. They are the marketplaces where you sell your products.
Inventoryrefers to the quantity of the product you have in stock. It also includes some more information like name, cost, etc.
Productmeans each item that you stock and sell, and can be used to create listings of channels (or online stores).
Product Scrapercan import products from other sites like AliExpress, 1688.com, etc., which includes Import Products or Import By Category.
Importmeans importing the external data into ShopMaster.
Exportmeans exporting the internal data out of ShopMaster.
SKUalso called a stock keeping unit, is the unique identifier or code assigned to each product.
Categorieshave two meanings. One is the category in ShopMaster, which is helpful to organize the products in ShopMaster well. The other is the category in each channel.
Listingsrefer to the items you are selling on channels (or in online stores).
Linkingis the connection between an online store listing and ShopMaster's Product

How to Contact ShopMaster
You can click the question mark on the top to send email to ShopMaster, or join our group on Fcebook or Twitter, we will reply you ASAP.

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