Jul 11, 2018

Affiliate Member Level
In order to help our Affiliates optimize their performance on the AliExpress Affiliate Program, AliExpress will launch our Affiliates Member Level Program (the “Program”) on October 16, 2017. AliExpress is dedicated to working with you to achieve more success.
1)The Member Levels are of 5 levels as below:

2)AliExpress will assign you a comprehensive level based on multi-dimensional data (the “Member Level”), which includes (without limitation) the following:
a. Promotional effect: the conversion performance (GMV/ Order conversion) of your traffic;
b. New users: the new users of AliExpress brought from your affiliate program;
c. Violation of the Affiliate Program Rules: the severity of violations reported for your traffic. For more detailed information about the rules, please click the ”Affiliate Program Rules” (the “Rules”) in help center: https://portals.aliexpress.com/help.htm
3、Rules for Member Level Adjustment
1)Member levels will be adjusted on a monthly basis.
2)We will re-assess your Member Level on 10th of each month according to your previous month's performance.
3)Your level may be adjusted with skip of one or more levels.

4. Regular Fees
1) Affiliated Product Fees The Affiliated products’ commission rates per product category is applicable to all types of affiliates.

a. Affiliated Product Fees are only for affiliated products.
*Affiliated products: Products of the sellers who participate in the AliExpress Affiliate Program. All items posted in our ad center are all affiliated products.
b. Please note that all virtual products covered by special category, travel and coupon services or books for local Russian customers are NOT affiliated products and NOT subject to commission. Such virtual products include but not limited to gift cards and coupons. We reserve the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, to determine whether a product is regarded as a virtual product for the purpose of calculating commission.
c. Please note that the calculation of Affiliated Product Fees is based on the price of successfully purchased products set by sellers on AliExpress.com (“Product Price”). For products purchased by EU buyers on AliExpress.com, an additional service fee of up to 8% of the Product Price is charged by third party service provider which is NOT subject to commission.
d. Please note that our Affiliate Program applies ONLY to products of sellers from PRC, excluding and without limitation, products of the sellers from the Russian Federation and/or other countries
e. Commission is only calculated for transactions paid in US dollars.
f. Countries with Russian Speakers include: Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.

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