Apr 16, 2019

TOP 10 Product Review Sites by Customers

TOP 10 Product Review Sites by Customers

A lot of people are taking advantage of e-commerce business today, and due to this, there are various online stores today. as a matter of fact, nearly all business platforms today make use of e-commerce stores one way or the other, this has led to more productivity for the business
However, since the internent today is saturated with numerous e-commerce stores, choosing one to make purchases from might be difficult for customers. Some e-commerce stores also tend to be fraudulent in their dealing and avoiding them is necessary. So it is very important to choose a reputable and standard online store for your purchases and one of the ways to identify this I through the product review sites and websites that the stores deal with. 

As an online store owner, it is important that you do not underestimate the relevance of product reviews. This is because a lot of store owners are more particular about store designs and other types of services that can encourage a customer to purchase from them. almost every prospective customer will want to get feedback from previous customers. So it is important that you encourage your customers to give product reviews after a purchase has been made. Another way to go about this is through the use of product review sites.

Top 10 Product Review Sites by Customers

As a customer, especially one new to the world of an ecommerce store, it is essential to know the best review websites and top consumer review sites. This is the aim of this article, as we will be providing you with top review sites preferred by other online store customers over the years. With the list, it will be easy for you to start your online purchase on a good note. Without much ado let’s get to these list of these best consumer review sites.

● Amazon

Is there anyone that does not know Amazon stores? I doubt that. Amazon will always sit atop every top review sites list, and this is due to their reputation over the years. Amazon started allowing consumers to post reviews as far back as 1995. The many positive consumer reviews that they get has also added to them being one of the best review websites stores. The reviews are also done in form of star ratings, with the maximum being 5 stars. Most people trust Amazon just because of the detailed attention they lay to product reviews.


● Angie’s List

Angie’s list is one of the best product review sites out there today. their business operationalization really has to do with the reviews they receive from customers, and this is because most users pay to become a member. Only their members are allowed to give these reviews, after which companies can respond to them.

Angie’s List.jpg

● Choice

This is another member funded product review website that is Australian based.in this situation, it is choice itself that will give the reviews to the members after the products have been tested.


● Trustpilot

Another top product review website based in Denmark. With Trustpilot, the product and seller reviews are solely provided by only the customers. The implication of this is that the companies registered with them depend largely on customer’s review.


● TestFreaks

Their operationalization is quite like that of Trustpilot, they get companies reviews by customers and help in the buildup of seller reviews to boost the companies’ efficiency. Another factor that makes they one of the best review sites is the fact they make use of questions and answers for the reviews.


● Which

Which is one of the numerous website review sites that will help assess the reviews of the product, and then give their opinions to customers. They give these reviews for free, but customers and companies must pay to become members. They really are a consumer review sites in and out that work through company reviews by customers


● ConsumerReports

Just as the name suggests, consumer reports are solely in the business of purchasing products for sale and then giving their honest review about the product to prospective consumers. Consumer reports are one of the top consumer review sites out there that are anon profitable organization and are strictly a website review sites.


● TripAdvisor

If you have the intention of going for a trip, you need to get on trip advisor to know the latest information and honest reviews about hotels, airlines, and restaurants in the world. Tripadvisor is one of the largest traveling site, as well as a huge consumer review site.


● Yelp

Yelp is a free consumer review site, as no fee is required for both consumers and companies registered. Just like Amazon, you can rate the products on the 5-star scale. companies and stores are also allowed to comment on the reviews.


● Google my Business

This is a top product review based on locations when you use the google map. Google algorithms will make use of the distance and rankings according to the location to give a credible consumer product review. Another way to go about this is locating company review websites with google.

FAQs On Consumer Review Sites

Q1: Which Consumer Reviews Sites Have an Open (or Closed) API for Developers?

API means Application programming interface, and it is used by developers to access features or data on an operating system, or in this case a review sites. API might be open or closed. Most top review sites make use of a closed API and this is because an open API may damage the business strategy due to the accessibility of various developers to the programming interface. Some top customer reviews, on the other hand, make use of both open and close API and an example is an amazon. Yelp and TripAdvisor’s make use of open API for all store owners.

Q2: Are Facebook ads Effective for Amazon Product Review Sites?

Yes, and No. using Facebook ads for your Amazon products by sending your Facebook traffics to your Amazon product listing can be detrimental to your opportunities of being successful in dealing with your product business. this is because you will not be able to able to measure the Facebook ads as well as their effects on audience via views and click. On the other hand, this may prove to be a great tool for product review sites because you will also be able to the various audience, and there won’t be any expense accrued on maintaining it. Through Facebook ads, you can engage with your consumer and the increase in sales means that you will rank higher on Amazon.

Q3: How do Product Review Sites Work?

As earlier mentioned with the top consumer product reviews, some of them make money through reviewing products and giving their contents to registered consumers or prospective buyers. On the other hand, some of them are a nonprofit entity and they can only earn their money through ads from Google or B2B dealings with other sites.

How to Get More Praise in Product Review Sites?

Now you know that to be a great online e-commerce store, you need to be one of the top product review sites, and that will also make you get more online users and customers. But how do you go about this the right way? Some of the steps involved are:

● Delivery of Good Quality Products

One of the things that will give you a poor rating as an online dealer is the delivery of a substandard product. You do not expect customers who have paid a lot of money for a product that turned out to be of bad quality to give you a good review. In fact, this type of customers can ruin your business entirely. so it is essential to meet up with the value of money the customers are paying. A way to go about this is using the chinabrands marketplace for your quality products. Most consumer review sites make use of chinabrands, and that has helped them get enough great reviews to give their business on top.

● Efficient Logistics

This is also another important aspect you have to consider. Make sure that you pay detail to the shipping of the products that were ordered. A lot of these customers definitely do not have patients waiting for products that should have arrived a long time ago. With chinabrands, the shipping of the product will me duly monitored with the help of a tracking device and you would not have to worry about its safety.

● Use Review on Front Pages

This trick is also a very efficient one. A lot of consumer review sites have reviews published on their front pages. This help to attract customers, as this is what the customers are made to see first. Another way to do this is through the use of a link to review page on the front page.


We have equipped you with enough information to be successful as an existing online store owner, or a prospective store owner. Also for consumers and customers, you know the top consumer product review websites to visit to get the reviews on the products that you will need. Also for store owners who want to avoid the limited API service so as to be able to customize and design their stores to look alluring, you now know which of the product review site to visit. Finally, and most importantly generating good reviews are important to the activity of a product website. The use of the Chinabrands product will help you get the reviews you want; through which you can improve the productivity of your online stores.