Jun 26, 2018

Create Listings from Variations

Create Listings from Variations

Created on 06-06-2018 13:33 - Updated on 06-06-2018 13:52
Topic : This article will show you how to create single Listings from Products with Variations.
If you import Products with Variations, but you would like to publish the variations as single listings, you can make it as below. And you can create single listings in bulk or one by one.
Create single listings in bulk.
Step1: Go to Inventory>Variations, then choose one or more Variations and click Create Listings.
Create Listings from Variations
Step2: You will see the popup window as below. If you just want to create listings, you should select a store and click Create. If you would like to publish listings to online store directly (onlyShopify and Woocommerce work now), you can tick publish directly and click Publish.
Create Listings from Variations
Create Listings from Variations
Create Listings from Variations
Create Listings from Variations
Step3: If you just create listings, you will see the popup window when listing created completely. You can click View & Edit to go to Draft page or click Close to continue to Create Listings.
Create Listings from Variations
And you can Edit and Publish the listings in Draft.
Create Listings from Variations
If you tick Publish to online store directly, you will see the popup window when listing published completely. You can click View & Edit to go to Active page or click Close to continue to Create Listings.
Create Listings from Variations
Create Listings from Variations

Create single listings one by one.
There are two ways to create listing one by one. The first one is that you can select a variation and click Create Listing directly in Variations Page.
Create Listings from Variations
The second one is that you can go to Variation Edit Page by clicking Edit in Variations Page. You can edit and click Create Listing in Variation Edit Page.
Create Listings from VariationsCreate Listings from Variations
And you should know that if you just create listings in Variations or Edit Variation Page one by one, ShopMaster will atuo go to Edit Listing Page.
Create Listings from VariationsCreate Listings from VariationsCreate Listings from VariationsCreate Listings from Variations
However, if you tick Publish to online store directly, you will see the popup window and choose go to Active Page at once or not.
Create Listings from Variations

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